Less than a week ago, Florida was hit by another Hurricane. For most Floridians, hurricane season is just another season we live through. Some years, we are lucky, and we manage to escape every single threat while watching how another part of the Country get hit.
New Beginnings
Life experiences shape our world views and how we live. Does it always have to be harmful or unpleasant? Of course not.
Fun with a Purpose
Have you ever noticed that when we have a goal in mind that makes us happy we plan with intention? For example, giving our significant other the best surprise birthday party, for something like that we plan every detail and rehearse over and over how the evening will take place.
Dare to Dream
The pursuit of happiness is a promise handed down to us by the Declaration of Independence. A promise that has created unimaginable opportunities that some never thought possible. An assurance that allowed the brilliant and restless at heart to accomplish extraordinary things.
Things aren’t always…
Have you ever been in a situation that discourages you from moving forward? Perhaps, a bad relationship that feels right but is wrong? A job that pays well, but is not the right fit? Many things can look like what they are not, and because we are Humans with needs, we do not always have the courage to end it and start new.
Look At The Whole Picture
Patience is a quality that has been lost over time. In a busy world where time is a luxury and being still is unheard off. We are asked to learn to be more patient. Unfortunately, our culture has conditioned us to be the opposite and to expect things NOW!
Invest in Yourself
Stop dreaming about your future and start creating the path that could help you attains your goals. Enjoy this short motivational video by Be Inspired. It is never too late to INVEST IN YOURSELF!