Stress is a reaction that occurs when someone feels pressured or threatened, and while some amount of stress can energize you and motivate you to complete tasks, too much of it can negatively your mental and physical health. Even if you regularly experience stress, you may be unaware of the numerous ways in which it […]
Holiday Stress Prevention Tips
The holidays are right around the corner! And that means many of us will begin losing our minds, patience, and good cheer. Well, can you blame us? The holidays are one of the most stressful times of the year. Between shopping, decorating, and keeping your drunk aunt away from your recently widowed neighbor, it’s enough […]
10 Relaxation Tips for Busy Professionals
Does your career often leave you feeling stressed? If so, you’re not alone. According to statistics published by the American Institute of Stress, 40% of workers reported that their job was very or extremely stressful, and 25% viewed their job as the No. 1 stressor in their life. And because stress can make it difficult […]
How to Cope with the Stress of Inflation
Unless you’ve been living under a proverbial rock, you no doubt are aware that inflation is the highest it’s been in decades. From gas at the pumps to food and utilities, most of us are struggling to make ends meet. And without question, this is causing massive stress. If you are feeling intense stress from […]