Have you ever been in a situation that discourages you from moving forward? Perhaps, a bad relationship that feels right but is wrong? A job that pays well, but is not the right fit? Many things can look like what they are not, and because we are Humans with needs, we do not always have the courage to end it and start new. Corinthians 5:7, states we should walk by faith, not by sight. How are we to do that in a world where needs, status, and greed gets in the way of judgment?
Well, it comes a time in everyone’s life when we must consider our situation and put it into context. Is the big salary worth my stress and sacrifice? Is falling to sleep crying because my significant other treats me wrong what I deserve? Looking at the whole picture with a different set of eyes might help you answer those difficult questions. The story might have a different ending if you make yourself a priority and stop caring about all the misconceptions you are basing your life on. Be honest and decide to take the detour or the leap of faith that might bring you to happiness. For God has promised us that if we have faith and are obedient, he will lead us to eternal life.
So, as you are struggling with making that decision close your eyes, take a deep breath, and make plans that will make you happier even if those plans involve making temporary sacrifices that will inflict pain. Things are not always going to be difficult if you place God in the center of your life and you let him guide you where he wants you to be. May your hearts find healing and happiness and May God bless you always.
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