Less than a week ago, Florida was hit by another Hurricane. For most Floridians, hurricane season is just another season we live through. Some years, we are lucky, and we manage to escape every single threat while watching how another part of the Country get hit. Other times, we carefully look at the television to see a hurricane dissipate into nothing and laugh in delight that our preparations were not necessary. This year, we were not so lucky!
Whereas, Hurricane Irma was a powerful storm that swept most of the State and inflicted much fear for many residents we were lucky. Not many lives were lost, and everyone is coming together to repair the damage and put life the way it was before she visited.
Two days after the storm, as we moved on with the repair process, I listened to my 13-year-old son tell me about his experience and perception regarding the storm. For him this was his first bad hurricane and although it involved fear and hard work, it also involved having fun. My son described, “Being Happy about seeing how the community helped each other out without expecting.” For him, helping and caring was a memorable experience that he wants to experience again in the future.
My question is: Why is it that my son only noticed this camaraderie after a storm? I have dedicated most of my entire life to helping others, and he has tagged along with me to many of those events. Seeing this behavior demonstrated by others touched him. Let’s be clear; I am not upset that he did not pick up my dedication. I am hurt that my son cannot live in a world where equality exists, that individuals care for each other and that unity prevails.
Without a doubt, this world would be a better place if we all treated each other differently. A simple kind gesture, an encouraging word, or a simple act of kindness can resonate better results than being selfish, uncaring or disconnected. I encourage you to be kind to others, and I promise you that you will never regret doing it, and will experience lasting results.
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