Parenting is both incredibly rewarding and exceptionally challenging. From the birth of a child, parents begin nurturing and building a unique bond with their little one. This relationship, as family therapists often highlight, is frequently tested and can bring about emotional pain, stress, and anxiety. Parent and family counseling can provide valuable support, helping parents navigate these challenges and strengthen their connection with their child.
Do you feel at times that your family is drowning you? Do you ask yourself why is it that the people I love so much cause me so much pain?
It is simple: every family function as a system. Each member must work and interact with that system for things to work smoothly. However, because we all have different personalities, likes, dislikes, and are at different stages in life, things do not always work that way.
That is why I am here. I want to be the person that mediates your family to a better and happier place.
What is Family Therapy?
Family therapy is used to help families find a balance and to learn essential communication skills to promote family cohesion and understanding. As a therapist, I work with the family as a whole to understand how the family system could work better and more effectively.
What is the Goal of Family Therapy?
- To work together to heal any issues tearing your family apart
- To improve communication and to learn to handle family problems differently
- To create a better functioning home environment where everyone feels heard and understood
The goal of therapy depends on the family presenting problems. The most common family issues are:
- Adopting a unified parenting style
- Transitioning through developmental stages of the aging process – Infancy, Childhood, Teenage hood, College-age, Adult life, Aging parents
- Blended families – His, Hers, and Ours
- Generational changes – Societal pressure, Technology, and World expectations
- Extended family involvement – In-Laws and close relatives
- Mental, Physical, and Health concerns
Working with a mental health professional in a safe and control environment can yield lasting results. Some of the benefits of family therapy are;
- Creating a family bond with a common goal
- Improve honest communication and problem-solving skills
- Promoting mutual empathy and respect
- Trust building and development of a supportive family environment
- Better conflict Resolution skills
- Helping family members to learn to forgive each other and start fresh
Family therapy offers the opportunity to re-balance family life and to facilitate family healing. Every family has issues, and yours is not except, give your loved ones an opportunity to a better tomorrow by working through those things holding you back from living happy family lives.
In the words of Confucius, “To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right.”
Let me be the person to help you set your family and personal life in order. Call me today to schedule an appointment.