“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” Matthew 16: 24
Jesus knew he was destined to die to save the world and walked this world knowing that whatever he did or did not do would not change the outcome. He took up the challenge and persevered for the good of humankind.
How are Jesus’s actions different than our actions?
We question the reasons why something must be the way it is. Have you ever been faced with things that you want to make better by having a logical explanation? For example, in the wake of a disappointment, “better things will come your way, or he suffers no more.” Jesus knew and accepted his mission because he believed that he was making the right decision. Jesus believed that God the Father had our best interest at heart and that one day we would all have eternal life in Heaven. When we know something to be the right thing we do it without reservation, and that is how Jesus Christ endured his mission.
Why can’t we believe as Jesus did?
Because our faith is easily tested and because we have been accustomed to having an explanation for things. Our culture has taught us that we are the creators of our destiny if we set our minds to it. Whereas, that might be true for certain things, in spiritual matters we need to have a faithful mind and ask without expectations. Jesus knows what we want and what we need. A better method is to trust Jesus. When we commit ourselves to Jesus, and we give our hopes, dreams, pain and suffering up to him we are following him. Placing Jesus at the center of our lives and believing he has our best interest is in a way, denying ourselves, taking up his cross, and following him.
May God Bless You and Give You the Strength You Need To Place Jesus at the Center of Your Life.
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