When things get hard, be grateful for the good things you have and pray for guidance and wisdom. God only gives us the things that we need and the tribulations that we can handle. Every situation has the potential of having a perfect ending. Only if we take the time to consider all options, although, it does not guarantee it will be less complicated or fast, it can be rewarding.
In the silence of prayer as you contemplate the next big decision in your life. Ask yourself, what do I have to lose and whom am I hurting? In the midst of pain and suffering, we lose track of who we are and what we are doing. Usually, all we need is to surrender our pain to the Lord and allow him to help us carry our cross. Life is full of unexpected surprises, but fortunately, there are 2 Tracks and Another Train Coming.
Endure the ride and take in the scenery, as God’s plans for you have been perfectly made.
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