Many partners feel unappreciated and devalued by their partner, but avoid speaking up about it because it is not an easy conversation to have. I am here to tell you that if you feel down, unhappy, or discourage by your family or your partner there are things we can do to help your relationship strive again. All hope is not lost, but someone needs to take the first step. The first step is admitting that we are not happy and recognizing what is bothering us. I urge you to answer the 3 simple questions below to help you define how you are valued and your position within your current relationship.
Who do the children see as being in charge?
Whose career is the most important?
Who decides how you spend money?
Did you find that you or your partner exerts the majority of the influence in your relationship?
Use this information to make a change and start a conversation with your loved one about how this is affecting your relationship. I guarantee that great things will come out of opening your heart and being candid about your love and intentions for your relationship.
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