Being married, it is not easy, but with the right tools and the correct frame of mind anyone can make their marriage successful and more enjoyable.
You have 2 very different individuals join in one relationship, and each brings their expectations and individual set of baggage.
What does that do to your relationship?
It sets the tone for frequent disagreements and common misunderstandings. Over time the blissful honeymoon stage ends, and we start noticing each other’s flaws.
The conflicts will range from financial difficulties to family pressures, to intimacy discords. Regardless of where the dispute stems from it creates separation and emotional discontent for both partners.
More so, it creates resentfulness, anger, and bitterness. The longer we wait to deal with the big elephant in the room the harder it will be to approach the topic.
Be Open…
Part of fixing the problem is having an open mind to love, to accept and to be loved and accepted. Many of us, forget how open and willing we were when we were in the beginning stages of getting to know the person we are committed too.
Approach your relationship problems with the same willingness. See the conflict as an opportunity to grown in your relationship. Working through the problem provides us with a chance to share God’s love and mercy for the person that we love the most.
Instead of pointing out the flaws and wanting to change your partner, try to build each other up and become The BEST PARTNER you can ever be.
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